Saturday, March 15, 2008

What I'm Watching: Lost

Lost: Season 4, Episode 6 “The Other Woman” (B-)

This episode is mediocre since it would have been really nice to get more information from this Juliet flashback, both about Juliet and her therapist, played by Andrea Roth from “Rescue Me”, who it would have been nice to see more of. We now know that Ben is truly evil, which is especially crazy since he gets off the island and Sayid is in cahoots with him. How does that possibly come about? I really do like Daniel but Charlotte is getting on my nerves. The character probably would have been a lot more interesting if played by the show’s original choice, Kristen Bell, who in my eyes took the better deal, choosing to star instead on “Heroes”, a poorer show but one with a far better role for her. Not much more to say about this episode, which felt sort of empty. Who cares that Juliet was having an affair with Goodwin? It is all just means to an end – Juliet’s sexual history to convey that Ben is super possessive and super-manipulative. “He’s exactly where he wants to be” – that is intense.

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