Saturday, March 15, 2008

What I'm Watching: Reaper

Reaper: Season 1, Episode 11 "Hungry for Fame" (C)

I did not even know that this show was coming back with new episodes, but luckily an older VCR set to tape "Smallville" had not been adjusted for daylight-savings time so I was in luck and got to see this episode. While it is enjoyable enough, this episode falls pretty flat as far as plot goes. Jamie Kennedy is not an actor I ever need to see on anything, regardless of the fact that the CW is probably loyal to him since he used to have a show on the WB. On "Chuck", everyone always tells him how nice a guy he is, but on this, no one ever praises Sam for being stand-up and reliable (not Andi, of course, but the other people). That would help lighten the mood a bit. The escaped soul is actually pretty lame despite being a man-eating cannibal (on second thought, what other kind is there?). And much as Sam's new girlfriend's creepy threatening of Andi at the end is a good plot propeller, it does not fit with the already wacky mood of this show.

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