Saturday, March 15, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Season Finale)

The Sarah Connor Chronicles: Season 1, Episodes 8 & 9 “Vick’s Chip” & “What He Beheld” (C-)

I have surprisingly little to say about this two-hour finale that promised to be shocking and thrilling. It was neither, as it turns out, which is really just disappointing, a word which perfectly sums up this show. Less happens here than did in the “Prison Break” finale a few weeks ago. I feel that there is hardly enough to sustain a second season of this show, and it really went wrong when it obsessed too much with the inclusion of the Terminators and a continual pursuit, rather than focusing more on the people who unwittingly created Skynet. I would probably watch this show if it did get renewed simply because I hope deep down that this show can get better at some point. For now, I will do well enough without it, though it leaves Mondays completely bare, at least until the return of ABC’s “Samantha Who” sometime in the near or far future.

Season grade: C-

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