Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Second Run TV: Mad Men (Season Finale)

Mad Men: Season 1, Episode 13 “The Wheel” (B+)

A fitting title for a fitting finale for the first season of this show. Season one concludes the way many other great cable shows have finished out their freshmen seasons (“The Shield” and “Rescue Me”, for instance), with the central character, likeable but flawed, realize that their work and the way they work has come into serious conflict with their connection to their families. Don’s imagined coming home to his family before they depart is especially poignant and effective. Mark Moses, no longer a player on “Desperate Housewives”, is a fine addition to the cast as the guy who did get the job Pete was going for. I’m pretty excited for the second season of this show, and I think it will be thoroughly impressive and enjoyable.

Season one grade: B+

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