Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What I'm Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 4, Episode 12 “In Buddy’s Eyes” (C-)

Meh. I’m not terribly into this show any more, especially since the focus has pretty much gone all to repetitive, cyclical comedy. Edie is a running joke now, and her rivalries with Susan and Gabrielle have pretty much all been forgotten, something that was once a strong element of the show. I believe that Gabrielle can have and has had good dramatic plotlines, like with Victor, but this stuff, like with visiting Lynette in the hospital, just makes her seem like a bad person before ultimately having her break down in tears. I know I’m pretty much alone in this, but I think Eva Longoria is a talented actress and should be given more credit. Bringing back old plotlines is also not the way to go. Rick should have been long gone a while ago and Tom should remain being the Nicest Guy Ever rather than an angry, jealous husband. Orson’s sleepwalking ends up being too comical, though I am always happy to see more of Kyle MacLachlan (though I don’t need to see quite that much; fortunately this show is on ABC and not HBO). I hope this turns out well and Julie doesn’t involve Susan in an obnoxious way. This show really needs to decide what it wants to focus on, comedy or drama, and I personally vote for drama.

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