Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What I'm Watching: NCIS

NCIS: Season 5, Episode 14 “Internal Affairs” (B)

The grainy flashbacks that account for a good eighth or so of this episode are a bit strange but generally work pretty well. The case is a cool one, but it seems a bit too easily solved, which is of course an improper statement in itself since it’s not actually ever really solved. That part of the episode I did enjoy, but I wish that Tony had not written off Jean completely. I don’t see why it’s necessary to hurt her, and I think they could have done well together. That was one of the reasons I thought Michael Wetherly was deserving of a spot on my AFT Awards list for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series last year – his relationship with Jean made the character even better. What does he have left now? The show needs to refocus itself and get a new dramatic direction, like the one with Ari in the first two seasons. That would help inject it with some new spirit.

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