Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Riches

The Riches: Season 2, Episode 6 “Dead Caelm” (B-)

Here we have the same old, unfocused and directionless Malloys. Cael’s starting to like his new home, though crazy prison guy has to be hiding some tricks up his sleeve. Di Di’s getting herself involved in a new relationship and a new school activity, which can’t be good given the fact that the Malloys are looking to make a quick getaway any time now. It’s great to see Sam finally getting some affection from someone. What I’m not so thrilled about is the activities of the parents – Dahlia, who was previously lying to Wayne about the parole violation confession, now hypocritically demands the truth out of him and blames him for covering up something Dale did. Her descent back into addiction seems hardly mentionable, whereas I would have thought it would have been a big deal. Jim’s death also seems to be swept out of everyone’s minds pretty quickly. I cannot understand how Dale and his cohorts were able to conjure up effective enough portfolios to seem impressive enough to be hired by Wayne as Doug. One more episode to go, and then hopefully a third season for this show to find its footing once again.

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