Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Quick Note About Show Previews

I've noticed something very interesting, which I think is actually quite clever. Both FX's "Damages" and USA's forthcoming "In Plain Sight" have used marketing campaigns which include two very different TV spot styles. I commented on this briefly before "Damages" started, but I'll say more about it now. The first set of ads for each feature a very comic tone, with the former show emphasizing Tate Donovan's humorous introduction of Patty Hewes, and the latter framing Mary McCormack as devilishly witty and sarcastic. The next series of "Damages" ads showed the dramatic battle between Patty and criminal Arthur Frobisher, while the new "In Plain Sight" commercials ask the question "what if your life changed in an instant" and preview some of the more serious "Saving Grace"-style cop drama sure to be seen on the show. I suppose this is an effective strategy, creating two essentially different series through two markedly sets of ads. I had more interest in the dramatic "Damages" and the comedic "In Plain Sight". Given how "Damages" turned out, it's likely that "In Plain Sight" might also end up a drama, but its placement on USA alongside shows like "Monk" and "Psych" might suggest otherwise. Any comments on the contradictory campaigns?

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