Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Coming Up...

I'm keeping up with "Battlestar Galactica" which has two episodes left this season, and will post my thoughts on that soon. "In Plain Sight" was unspeakly bad, so don't wait to read my review before you decide not to watch it. I don't have high hopes for "Swingtown", premiering tomorrow night, but I'll put up a review soon.

I plan to post reviews quite soon, but at the moment I'm making my way through various episodes of "Brothers and Sisters", "Boston Legal", "Medium", "How I Met Your Mother", "Ugly Betty" and a number of others watching Emmy-submitted episodes in preparation for my most in-depth Emmy predictions yet. The deadline for submitting tapes was this past Saturday, and some of the tapes have yet to be revealed. Starting next week (as an estimate), I'll be predicting each category with detailed analysis. In July, get excited for the 2nd Annual AFT Television Awards!

1 comment:

  1. I beg to differ. "In Plain Sight" looked promising, if not great, and I'm going to watch at least one more episode. Also, "Swingtown" is awesome.
