Thursday, June 26, 2008

Early Emmy Predictions: Best Comedy Series

Contenders are listed in the order I think they’re likely to get nominated. The first ten represent my predictions for the top ten run-off, with the first five as my predictions for the eventual nominees.

This is going to be a tough race. Excellent episode choices by my top-ranked six should lead to some fierce competition. “Pushing Daisies” submitted its pilot which should give it a nice edge over “Ugly Betty”, which submitted wisely but has lost buzz this year. I’m convinced “Entourage” will return, while I believe that this is the year that “Two and a Half Men” will all but disappear from Emmy radar. “Weeds” has a fantastic episode submission, but it’s possible voters won’t appreciate it without having seen the whole show. I’m personally pulling for both “Flight of the Conchords” and “Californication”, so here’s hoping.

Current predicted winner: Pushing Daisies

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