Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Early Emmy Predictions: Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series

Contenders are listed in the order I think they’re likely to get nominated. The first ten represent my predictions for the top ten run-off, with the first five as my predictions for the eventual nominees.

This is one category where pretty much every predictor I’ve seen agrees on as far as the top ten goes. I’d love to see Rhys Darby, a.k.a. Murray from “Flight of the Conchords” make it into the top ten, but I just don’t think he has enough buzz. Justin Kirk and Kevin Nealon, funny as they are on “Weeds”, are unlikely to make the cut. And John C. McGinley’s ship has sailed. As far as the actual contenders are concerned, the top four are pretty likely, with John Krasinski hopefully (finally) getting his first nomination. I think this is the year that “Two and a Half Men” falls off Emmy’s radar, including star Jon Cryer. Kevin Dillon may also miss out due to meager material. Tracy Morgan submitted himself in the supporting category this year, which is far better for him and I think he’ll fare well here. Michael Urie (along with Becki Newton) really outshines the rest of the cast on “Ugly Betty” and it would be cool for him to make the top ten and even get nominated, though I doubt he’ll be able to. I’d be thrilled if the fantastic Chi McBride got recognized for “Pushing Daisies”, but at the moment I’m favoring Jack McBrayer from “30 Rock”, who was robbed last year and may coast on the popularity of the show to a nomination this year.

Current predicted winner: (pains me to say it) Neil Patrick Harris

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