Friday, July 18, 2008

Emmy Nominees: Best Directing/Writing for a Drama Series

My predictions: 2/5 on both counts

As expected, both categories recognized the pilots of Damages and Mad Men, though “The Constant” episode of “Lost” was snubbed in both categories, especially bizarre since even in season two, “Lost” managed a nomination in both categories. I did mix up my predictions The Wire’s series finale and “House’s Head” from House. The latter ended up in the directing category while the former was nominated for writing. I picked the wrong episode of Boston Legal nominated for directing (“The Mighty Rogues” is nominated instead of “The Court Supreme”) as well as the wrong second episode of “Mad Men” recognized for writing (“The Wheel” got nominated over “Nixon vs. Kennedy”). Rounding out each category are two nominees I sort of foresaw but refused to predict: the pilot of Breaking Bad, nominated for directing, and “Six of One” from Battlestar Galactica (!) nominated for best writing. With the exception of “Boston Legal” and the overrated nature of the “Damages” pilot, I’m generally happy with these nominees.

Who should win? Probably “Mad Men” for both
Who will win? Probably “Mad Men” for both

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