Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What I'm Watching: Mad Men (Season Premiere)

Mad Men: Season 2, Episode 1 "For Those Who Think Young" (B+)

This is a welcome and wonderful return for a show that was always good but seemed even better with all the good press recently with a $25 million ad campaign and a monstrous number of Emmy nominations. Looks like the wait paid off, with an impressive installment and double the number of viewers from last year. The cast continues to be terrific, and I find Jon Hamm especially excellent. Telling that hotshot in the elevator to take off his hat is only one of the many reasons that Don Draper is a superb character and Hamm is a fine actor. I like the new Peggy better than the old one, and Valentine's Day is a great way to start off the year for this show.

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