Saturday, August 23, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Closer

The Closer: Season 4, Episode 6 "Problem Child" (B+)

This is a great standalone "Closer" episode which represents one of the more interesting cases which result in a very similar fashion to those on "Law & Order". I was very impressed with all the guest actors and characters this episode, and the scene with the confession by the parents was a good one. I would like to see much more of Brenda and Fritz in each episode, however, not simply relegated to Fritz making one call and Brenda contradicting it and barely apologizing later. I hope that they don't just drop his addiction and the fact that he really wants kids and Brenda clearly doesn't. To me, "The Closer" has always been better than a "Law & Order"-type clone because of the wonderful cast and the fantastic way they work together. It's about time Fritz got himself a major role on the series.

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