Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What I'm Watching: Monk & Psych

Monk: Season 7, Episode 3 "Mr. Monk Gets Lotto Fever" (B)
Psych: Season 3, Episode 3 "Daredevils" (B)

The first two installments of the current seasons of these shows were fine, nothing too exciting, but at this point I'm getting a bit fed up. "Monk" proceeds at such a slow pace, with rather predictable results, and the jokes are so deadpan it's hard to burst out laughing (and ruined in the previews, which I can't help seeing watching "Burn Notice" the night before). I long for the cleverness I found in last year's episodes, and especially the original episode which drew me in, long before I ever started watching the show on a regular basis - the season two premiere, "Mr. Monk Goes Back to School". I'd like to see more of that quality in this show. I was thrilled to see Greg Pitts' name in the guest credits, but thoroughly disappointed after he was given nothing to do in the episode. This man was uproariously hilarious in ABC's short-lived but superb comedy "Sons and Daughters" a few years back. It indicates that perhaps "Monk" only knows how to use its high-profile guest stars well, and treats the rest as mere extras. Luckily, things are quite different on "Psych", as guest star Jeff Fahey pulls out all the stops and gives a truly amusing performance. After seeing him shout a lot and fly helicopters on "Lost", it's refreshing to see him let loose. "Psych" would do well to keep itself more grounded, as there's hardly any basis for them to enter into this episode's plotline, and it's not quite as funny but rather sadly repetitive. I think these shows do have some energy left in them, and if not, they only have a few more weeks before they disappear off the air until December.

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