Sunday, September 7, 2008

AFT Awards: Best Guest Actress in a Comedy Series

This is the twelfth category of the 2nd Annual AFT Television Awards to be announced, my personal choices for the best in television this past season. Nominees are pictured in the order I’ve ranked them.

Best Guest Actress in a Comedy Series

Runners-up: Elaine Stritch seems like the only person who could ever play Alec Baldwin’s mom on “30 Rock”. Janeane Garofalo is a wonderfully neurotic girlfriend for Alan on “Two and a Half Men”. Lindsay Leikin is an excellent psychic match for Shawn on “Psych”. Edie Falco is a terrific Democratic girlfriend for Jack on “30 Rock”. Polly Bergen is both funny and moving as Lynette’s mother on “Desperate Housewives”.

The nominees:

Kerry Washington is a bundle of energy as Gus’ wife (?!) on “Psych”. Amy Ryan is the perfect subdued match for Michael as Toby’s replacement on “The Office”. Susan Blakely is marvelous as an older woman who almost tames Charlie on “Two and a Half Men”. Brooke Smith and Mary-Kate Olsen are great on “Weeds” as Nancy’s husband’s ex-wife and Silas’ pot-dealing Christian girlfriend, respectively.


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