Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pilot Review: Worst Week

Worst Week (CBS)
Premiered September 22 at 9:30pm

There's nothing good about this show. I'll just put it out there at the very start of my rant. I'll admit I laughed a few times, but precious few - and it was nervous, awkward laughter because I knew that something had to fill the silence. The premise is paper-thin and got old ten minutes into the pilot - that this poor schmuck named Sam constantly embarrasses himself in front of his (pregnant) girlfriend's parents. Now, Sam isn't actually likable in any way. He's an obnoxious, lazy man who more often than not deserves the trouble he causes for himself. The one occasionally bright spot of the show is Kurtwood Smith as Sam's father-or-whatever-in-law, doing his best Red Forman routine, but it was much funnier the first time around on "That 70s Show," and Sam is no Kelso or Fez. To top all of this unfunniness, there's not even a laugh track for the show. That fact seems especially strange considering this show is packed in on Monday nights with pretty much the only surviving comedies with laugh tracks ("The Big Bang Theory," "How I Met Your Mother," and "Two and a Half Men"). This one could really benefit from a laugh track to cue viewers in on what was supposed to be funny. Or maybe there was just nothing that was ever supposed to be funny.

How will it work as a series? I feel like they're can't possibly be anything left. They've done it all already, and I've had enough.
How long will it last? I'd say it would be gone within a week or two, but CBS renewed "Rules of Engagement" for a second season. Mondays at 9:30pm is a prime spot for viewership, and anything that follows "Two and a Half Men" seems to do well. CBS, despite having those aforementioned three successful comedies (as well as "Old Christine" and the former long-running "King of Queens"), doesn't actually do as well with new comedies as perhaps it should. Remember "Courting Alex"? Yeah. I think one season and out for this new show, hopefully less.

Pilot grade: F

1 comment:

  1. what are you, blind? that show is hilarious!! i haven't encountered anyone who doesn't love that show....except you. it's called a sense of humor, get one.
