Thursday, September 11, 2008

What I'm Watching: 90210

90210: Season 1, Episode 3 "Lucky Strike" (F)

It probably wasn't smart that I read this fantastic review by Myles over at Cultural Learnings before writing my own post because I actually agree with a lot of the sentiments he expressed. This is a highly entertaining show, a good replacement for the superior "The O.C." even if it's not nearly as fun. I'm especially amused by the baseless insinuation of some attraction between Dixon and Silver - it's sort of like how Luke became nice all of a sudden for no reason at all. Incorporating Silver more into the show is a good move, since things could stay pretty scattered if the characters aren't all united for some common purpose (i.e. all hanging out together while watching the new Bond movie). Naomi's discovery of her father's affair is in my mind just one more season that shows like this ("The O.C." and "One Tree Hill" for example) shouldn't incorporate parents quite as much. This show should be fun while it lasts, but Tuesday nights look to be getting pretty crowded, so I'll see how long my interest stays with this one.

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