Thursday, September 18, 2008

What I'm Watching: 90210

90210: Season 1, Episode 4 "The Bubble" (F)

Just as I thought that this show could be my definitive "O.C." replacement, I'm starting to grow disinterested. There's nothing terribly exciting or even memorably awful about this show. The forced relationship between Dixon and Silver is starting to make some sense, but it's still just as pulled-out-of-thin-air as Luke's starting to be nice on "The O.C." I don't mean to be constantly comparing this show to "The O.C." - especially since I should be comparing it to the original "Beverly Hills, 90210." I'm not impressed that apparently the name of Kelly's child's father is the name of the character on the original show played by Luke Perry, a revelation which has sparked infinite rumors and denial from Perry's reps that he will be guest-starring on the new series. This show should have a leg of its own to stand on - not just counting on the funny, painful singing of "Spring Awakening" songs by Jessica Walter.

As Tuesday nights get more crowded, perhaps this show will be dropped from my lineup.

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