Friday, September 19, 2008

What I'm Watching: Burn Notice (Season Finale)

Burn Notice: Season 2, Episode 9 "Good Soldier" (B-)

I do hate being left hanging. There's something to be said about a good cliffhanger, but it's just so darn frustrating. At least this show returns in a few months rather than in half a year. This was a decent episode overall, with a fairly everyday case bogging down the wondrous but underdone return of Carla. Like Michael, I'm completely unaware of what's going on now, and I think that when the show returns, it will have a nice different feel and should hopefully be pretty good. After everything, they tried to kill Michael, without even informing him of anything? Too bad. This has been an enjoyable ride, even if it's not a terrific show. It's definitely a whole lot of fun.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Tricia Helfer/Jeffrey Donovan

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