Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What I'm Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 2, Episode 8 "A Night to Remember" (B+)

Peggy's really getting something to do now that she's using a good deal of her time helping out her priest friend. It's nice to see her standing up for herself, even if it proves ineffective. I'm pleased that Harry gets more of the spotlight here, and we see Joan in her home life get really excited about something and then have it all taken away because she's so good at her job that it's worthwhile to hire a full-time employee to do her job. I'm most impressed by the scenes between Betty and Don, and I'm continually reminded of how ridiculous it is that January Jones wasn't even nominated for an Emmy this year. I'm truly hopeful that will change after this season. A great ending to a great episode. It sounds like next week there won't be a new episode due to the simultaneous broadcast of the Emmys, so "Mad Men" will return in two weeks.

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