Saturday, September 27, 2008

What I'm Watching: NCIS (Season Premiere)

NCIS: Season 6, Episode 1 "Last Man Standing" (B-)

I'm glad the NCIS gang is in fact intact, since this episode is a good preview of what could have been in store in terms of a rather boring new team of unexciting agents. I'm surprised by the casting of Michael Nouri (who's quickly becoming the new Alan Dale, jumping from "The O.C." to "Damages" to here, and many more) as Ziva's father, partially because he's most certainly American and just seems an odd person to play him. I'm not sure I love the many suspicious characters crawling around the show. For Gibbs to be operating with potential spies for months seems a poor decision on the part of new director Vance, who has his own demons to hide from the end of last season. And super-nerd Michelle as the ultimate spy? Doesn't seem like her. She's not that good of a faker. We'll see what comes of that. I'm excited to get back to the fun spirit of this show.

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