Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Season Premiere)

The Sarah Connor Chronicles: Season 2, Episode 1 "Samson & Delilah" (F)

I spent the better part of this episode dwelling on what a piece of crap this show really is. It started out more interesting than it should have been, with that weird, unexpected time-traveling at the end of the first episode of season one, but then went downhill, shifting to a constant, deathly repetitive episode-long chase scene. The new twists the show introduces, like Cameron telling John she loves him and the annoying fed being canned, are hardly enough to rescue it. The show is expressly aimless, and I'm not sure I can stomach much more of it. The main new plotline introduced at the end of the episode, meant to reference the famous T-1000 from "Terminator 2: Judgment Day," had me groaning and almost laughing at the same time. A terminator, presumably sent back from the future, liquid metal shape-shifts herself into a toilet just to prove how bad-ass she is. I don't buy it. There's been way too much playing around with the time-space continuum here for my tastes. I'm lost half the time, and don't care at all to make my way back.

I'm dropping this show from my rapidly-growing repertoire of weekly television. I might marathon through it in a few weeks if a promo sparks my interest, otherwise, that's it.

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