Monday, October 6, 2008

What I'm Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 5, Episode 2 "We're So Happy You're So Happy" (C)

Things are becoming dangerously cyclical once again here. In other cases, they're just plain uninteresting. Gaby's deliberate attempt to get herself into a sticky situation results in an uncomfortable and embarrassing result she never should have been in the first place. Lynette's Facebook clone scandal is so painfully obvious in its eventual outcome from the start that it's not even remotely fun to watch. Mike's run-in with Jackson is fun the first time around, but tires quickly, and just goes to show that Jackson is very much a waste of space. I don't know why they're making Orson into such a control freak, as I've always thought he was actually more of the "nice guy" type so well epitomized by Tom. The plotline I do approve of, even if it's proceeding along a bit questionably, is Dave's continuing activities on Wisteria Lane. It's cool that Mrs. McCluskey is enlisting Katharine's help to look stuff up on him - that could go somewhere good.

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