Sunday, October 5, 2008

What I'm Watching: Dexter (Season Premiere)

Dexter: Season 3, Episode 1 "Our Father" (B+)

First off, what a great title. So appropriate to the theme of this episode. "Dexter" has always been good about that though. It's great to have America's favorite serial killer back, especially because now he's not so much of an avenging angel as an accidental cold-blooded murderer. I'm always impressed by how "Dexter" manages to quickly integrate its season-long case right at the beginning, be it the Ice Truck Killer, the Bay Harbor Butcher, or in this case, Dexter's own self-searching about what he's going to do now that he's killed an innocent man. I'm happy to see the cast interacting, whether it's Masuka excitedly showing Dexter his report on the Bay Harbor Butcher, Angel telling Deb she's off the case, or any other great scenes, with hopefully more to come. Jimmy Smits is a good addition to the cast, and I'll admit that I froze up when he asked what Dexter was doing looking into his brother's file. Smits is a good actor that way - he's quiet and nice, but pops up unsuspectingly at the right moment. Dexter did of course handle that moment, with another incredible performance from Michael C. Hall. Can't wait for next week's episode.

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