Sunday, October 26, 2008

What I'm Watching: Dexter

Dexter: Season 3, Episode 4 "All in the Family" (B+)

It's great to see Dexter's oddball manner of going about things, proposing to Rita and finding a way to express his warped sense of the world while still coming across as charming, and most importantly, likable to Rita's kids. I'm enjoying Dexter's conversations with Miguel more and more, especially when Miguel starts talking about how there's only one person he can trust, and Dexter thinks it's himself, but Miguel's actually talking about Dexter. That's one thing Dexter hasn't quite had in this show yet (save for Harry in the flashbacks, of course) - an ally. He's always had a terrific adversary who's sort of also a friend, be it the Ice Truck Killer or Lundy, but now having a friend is I think the best thing for the newly betrothed serial killer.

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