Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Office

The Office: Season 5, Episode 2 "Business Ethics" (B+)

The office's response to Jim and Pam's engagement, and Michael's subsequent (but predicted by Pam!) tackling of Jim, provides a great start to this episode. "The Office" is particularly strong with its openings, and this one is no exception. I love seeing Michael and Holly running into the meeting together with sweatbands, and though I find Michael's bumbling of every Holly-related situation thoroughly uncomfortable, I do like Michael's ultimate act of support for Holly and that exchanged, knowing glance. Jim and Dwight plotlines are always terrific, and it's nice to see Jim wasting time again keeping track of Dwight who really is not wasting any time. I'm sure this will stand in my memory as one of my favorite moments of the season - Jim talking to Andy about a warped version of "Battlestar Galactica" which he knows will annoy Dwight, with Klingons, Wookies, and Dumbledore Calrissian going to Mordor to find the ring. Oh, and also being a shot-for-shot remake of the original. I get that some of this is obvious (the Dumbledore part), but I don't imagine this is quite as funny to non-BSG fans.

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