Sunday, October 26, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Shield

The Shield: Season 7, Episode 8 "Parracide" (B+)

I'm shocked that Twoman gave up Shane and now the whole department knows that he tried to kill Ronnie. Too bad only Vic and Ronnie figured out that he also tried to kill Vic. That was an insane scene, watching Shane sort of step out of there slowly before anyone realized that he was about to get pinned. Vic's ultimate act of handing in his badge is I suppose a good step for the show, as long as he doesn't go too far off the grid. Mara coming to Corinne and telling her that she'll be in touch with her and confessing all of Vic's secrets is quite a surprise, but it's clear that Mara and Shane are in this together. Vic telling Corinne that he's done a lot of things he regrets is also a surprising moment. Vic's undercover assignment may not work out as well as he had hoped now that he's quit, but this show has just exploded and the next few episodes are going to be legendary.

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