Sunday, October 26, 2008

What I'm Watching: Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty: Season 3, Episode 5 "Granny Pants" (C-)

I suspected that Lindsay Lohan would be back, but I'm unhappy that I was correct. Her presence is almost disastrous for the show. After two seasons, Betty has finally found her place at Mode, and I can tell you exactly how this is all going to turn out. Daniel's eventually going to apologize to Betty after seeing the light and Kimmie's going to be erased from the show's history. It's as if Betty doesn't have enough problems - would it kill the show to make her happy for once? Everyone else can be miserable, but why must she be treated like this, especially when everyone (including her) saw it coming all along? I enjoyed Justin's misunderstanding of the pound when his closet dancer bully finally accepted him in the end, and Daniel and Wilhelmina's accidental date was funny as well. This show isn't completely lost, this is just a completely unnecessary detour that should soon be quickly forgotten.

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