Monday, November 3, 2008

What I'm Watching: 90210

90210: Season 1, Episode 7 "Hollywood Forever" (F)

Ah, the relationship of Dixon and Silver never ceases to amuse me. The constantly changing character of Silver gets nicer and less like herself every minute, hopped up on painkillers after a wisdom teeth extraction. Dixon, on the other hand, continues to be the complete opposite of Silver in every possible way, and somehow their relationship works as only such relationships can work on shows like this, "The O.C." and "One Tree Hill." I'm still curious if people as truly goodhearted and obliviously noble as Annie really exist in the real world. Her driving test scene with her mother was actually quite funny, a rare good use of Lori Loughlin. Number one honest teacher is a bit too pushy, but I guess he gets rewarded in the way he wishes.

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