Sunday, November 2, 2008

What I'm Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 5, Episode 5 "Mirror, Mirror" (B-)

This episode is really much more of a filler episode than anything, but it's good to have some back story for everything. I'm still waiting to hear more about Dave, especially considering his latest move. I liked his conversation with Mrs. McCluskey in the ambulance at the end (though why did they need to call an ambulance) since that's the only real look into his true nature we've seen thus far. I'm pleased with how Orson dealt with working with Bree and Katherine, and hopefully it won't turn too comic because that could become cyclical and predictable almost instantly. And while I hope Tom doesn't take the family cross-country in an RV, I do like the fact that he's standing up for himself. Is this show in good shape? I think it's doing a lot better than it's done in a while.

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