Sunday, November 2, 2008

What I'm Watching: Heroes

Heroes: Season 2, Episode 7 "Eris Quod Sum" (C)

I'm totally behind the idea that Sylar is now transforming into a hero rather than a villain. What doesn't make sense is that the grand Arthur Petrelli doesn't see through his scheme to save Peter's life. I also don't get why Daphne is in fact working for Arthur rather than trying to legitimately help Matt. And correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't Matt be able to read her mind and figure out that she's deceiving him? There are way too many plot holes in this show. I always welcome the return of Kristen Bell, but her antsy flying skills here and nervous demeanor doesn't suit her. Why Claire wants to get rid of her powers escapes me. She's pretty annoying, but I am liking the assembly of groups and teams of our heroes and villains.

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