Monday, November 17, 2008

What I'm Watching: Heroes

Heroes: Season 3, Episode 8 "Villains" (D+)

First of all, that opening credits shot with the "Villains" logo instead of "Heroes" was absolutely preposterous and laughable. This show needs to spend more time grounded in the present because, much as I do love time travel, nothing is being developed by going back in time. The new ground that is being covered is just making way for new characters who weren't around when the show started (Elle, Meredith, Arthur Petrelli) and changing the origins of the heroes to make everything make more sense. Linderman certainly is a completely reworked character, who never would have served Petrelli so blindly (until his betrayal) as he did in this flashback. It's been made clear that Sylar used to be bad, but now is good. They shouldn't try to shift it and make it seem that Sylar was really always good, but he was tricked and manipulated into being bad! I don't know why we're following Meredith and her brother since no one really cares and we already know the Company is corrupt. Bringing back long-gone recurring cast members like Eric Roberts and Rena Sofer is bizarre and nonsensical. Was this supposed to be a trip back to the glory days? It sure feels like treading water because they've got nowhere to go. Villains also need to stop pulling people's heads off; it's just plain ridiculous.

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