Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Office

The Office: Season 5, Episode 5 "Employee Transfer" (B-)

This isn't a bad episode, it just feels incomplete. Three storylines that feel like subplots can't quite carry the episode, since none of them are sufficiently strong. The multiple Jokers and Creed's dead-on, creepy impersonation are good for a quick laugh. Jim and Pam's dinner with the brothers is uncomfortable and awkward with no real comedic value. That one tanked from the start. Michael's departure with Holly is sad because it means that Amy Ryan is leaving the show, which is truly devastating, and a few funny moments in this episode only recall the sad nature of Michael's big dreams that could never possibly come true. I'd rather have done away with this episode together and signed Ryan on for five more seasons. The subplot involving Dwight and Andy is a lot of fun, although, as Alan Sepinwall points out, Dwight is oddly assuming Jim's role as office clown and perpetual time-waster. This feels like a bump in the road rather than a downward turn for the series. Once Holly is fully out of the picture next episode, things should be back on track with new directions and hopefully, new laughs.

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