Monday, November 3, 2008

What I'm Watching: The Shield

The Shield: Season 7, Episode 9 "Moving Day" (B+)

There's something very spooky about Shane being a known criminal and having the upper hand against Vic by blackmailing his family. I've really grown to detest both Shane and Mara, even though they're in theory supposed to be somewhat sympathetic. It makes their being on the run even more real, since they're clearly the villains while Vic and Ronnie are clearly the heroes of our story. Dutch being outed for his undercover investigation turned dating scheme is too bad, since Frances Fisher is always a welcome actress. Billings finally gets his first good dramatic plot line since setting up Dutch to catch Tina in the act, and it's a good one. His relentless pursuit of the pedophile in his daughter's neighborhood is impressive, and the parallel Dutch makes about being Shane to his Vic is pretty powerful. And Tina's finally back, her absence explained away by a long weekend. I'm glad Vic is working hard to save his job as undercover man in Pezuela's organization, since Vic as an outlaw doesn't quite suit him as well as his badge.

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