Thursday, January 1, 2009

Catching Up: Prison Break

This is officially the most ludicrous show on television. There are a lot of ridiculous twists I could point out, but I think I’ll dwell instead on the most preposterous and senseless of all: Agent Don Self is actually a bad guy. Only he’s not really a bad guy, he just wants to get rich. It doesn’t make an ounce of sense, and the countless dead bodies that have been piling up on this show are unbelievable. Everyone’s got some trick up their sleeve, and I’ve had it. To top all that off, things come so annoyingly full circle that everything is negated and Lincoln ends up working for the Company. The news that Michael and Lincoln’s mother is actually still alive isn’t that crazy since no big deal was ever made about her being dead, and the only reason it’s interesting is because now she’s on the opposite side of things from Lincoln. I suspect, however, that she’s actually good and trying to bring down the Company and their corrupt ways, same as Lincoln and Michael. That’s what’s next, anyway, but the way things currently are is inexcusable. Teaming up sworn enemies Lincoln, Gretchen, Self, and T-Bag demonstrates just how far off-base this show, which I’ll remind everyone is titled Prison Break, has gone. This show has to end immediately, and the fact that six more episodes are already slated to air is not a good sign. This show should have ended years ago, at the end of season two, with Mahone and Michael sailing away together, forever escaping the reach of the Company. That’s a show I could have gotten behind.

Prison Break returns sometime in 2009.

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