Saturday, January 10, 2009

Golden Globe Winner Predictions: Best TV Series – Comedy/Musical

The competition: “Californication,” “Entourage,” “The Office,” “30 Rock,” and “Weeds”
For your information: No first-time nominees are among these five. Both “The Office” and “Weeds” were last nominated in 2006. Interestingly enough, none of these shows have ever won this trophy. “Entourage” has been nominated for its entire run of five years, and both “Californication” and “30 Rock” earned their second nominations this year. Past winners include “Extras,” “Ugly Betty,” “Desperate Housewives,” and the British version of “The Office.”
Who should win: “Californication” and “30 Rock” were top-notch this year
Who will win: None of these shows has any particularly strong buzz, but the one that’s probably hottest would be 30 Rock.

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