Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Golden Globe Winner Predictions: Best Actor in a TV Series – Comedy/Musical

The competition: Alec Baldwin’s sarcastic TV executive on “30 Rock,” Steve Carrell’s hapless manager on “The Office,” Kevin Connolly’s actor manager on “Entourage,” David Duchovny’s sex-addicted writer on “Californication,” and Tony Shalhoub’s obsessive-compulsive detective on “Monk.”
For your information: This is Connolly’s first nomination, and each of the other four nominees has won exactly once. It’s worth pointing out that Charlie Sheen once won this award for “Spin City,” so I guess anything’s possible.
Who should win: Baldwin, Carrell, or Duchovny – I have no preference
Who will win: No one had a particularly standout year. Connolly just isn’t that great on “Entourage,” and people thought the show went downhill, so unless Globe voters really didn’t get the memo, count him out. Same goes for Shalhoub, unless they’re happy with comfort (this is his fifth nomination). I’ll go with a repeat victory for Duchovny, but it could easily be one of the eternally dueling Baldwin or Carrell.

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