Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What I’m Watching: The Closer

The Closer: Season 5, Episode 2 “Blood Money” (B)

This second episode of TNT’s cop drama’s fifth season is very much like the first – full of interesting, promising stuff, but ultimately a bit puzzling when taken all together. Most of all, I’m not sure I’m going to continue reviewing this show since it doesn’t really lend itself to weekly recaps. I’ll have to wait to make that decision until after next week’s episode, since I’m certainly not giving up on at least watching the show. As I’ve mentioned dozens of times in the past, I love seeing characters spotlighted. This week, Sergeant Gabriel and Lieutenant Provenza each got a few scenes to showcase their varied troubled stages. I would have liked to have seen more of them in their states, and additionally, the absence of Lieutenant Daniels is really taking a toll. I presumed that this week’s newest female addition would take on the role of the new woman cop on the show, but she hardly interacted with them, with the exception of breaking doors down too early and crashing a car into a barely-fleeing suspect. What I did like, from the end of the episode, is its finish which seems to imply that there’s more going on and that, were the hour not up, more would occur. Instead, it’s a simple fade-out, as it’s revealed that the suspect lied to them and isn’t in fact the innocent person they presumed he was. It’s a decent case, I just wish the show was more together. This is why I don’t watch procedurals – I want dependable week-to-week characters who have tangible relationships, and I’d really like to see a lot more of that soon on what used to (in its first three or four seasons) be a terrific, above-the-bar series.

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