Thursday, July 16, 2009

Emmy Nominees: Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series

My predictions: 5/6, picking James Spader over Simon Baker

This category works out almost as expected, mirroring last year’s list with one notable dismissal: James Spader, whose dismal cancelled series, “Boston Legal,” finally got the boot in the series category as well. Gabriel Byrne, Bryan Cranston, and even Jon Hamm all improved in the second seasons of their various shows, and Michael C. Hall is still as great as ever on “Dexter.” I’ve accepted that Hugh Laurie will be nominated until the end of time, and that’s fine. Now the last slot was a huge shocker. Somehow Tom O’Neil called it, I don’t know how, but instead of Kiefer Sutherland (who got his nomination this year for the TV movie “24” made back in November), it’s Simon Baker from CBS’ “The Mentalist.” When’s the last time CBS had a legitimate dramatic contender? “CSI” and “Without a Trace” used to be nominated back in the day, but “The Mentalist” is hardly the show to recognize, and Baker’s performance is nothing great. That’s probably the biggest shocker of the nominations ceremony. If Tom O’Neil hadn’t predicted it, I would have been floored completely.

Who should win? Hamm
Who will win? Probably Cranston again, but anyone could take it. Watch out for Baker, though, since Patricia Arquette pulled off the same feat several years ago, scoring a nomination for a clairvoyant performance on a network procedural, and she won, beating out far more legitimate candidates.


  1. Baker's nom is such a joke. Not that I love Spader or Sutherland but they were more deserving. I think this is going to be Cranston vs. Hamm. For me, they're both amazing in their shows. Hamm has a more subtle work though, and that's why I think he may not win even with all the buzz. But we need to see the actuall submissions to predict anything. I'm watching out for Hall too whose character became much more 'human' and likeble this season.

  2. Cranston all the way!!!
    He really makes this show a Shakespearean tragedy.
