Sunday, July 19, 2009

Miniseries: Meteor (Part 2)

The second part of this space-related natural disaster miniseries event is just as fun as the first, and also equally terrible. The entirety of Imogene’s slow-paced journey to the right side of the border is equally enthralling and laughable, highlighted by her shooting of some vicious Mexicans and her attempts to plead with a border control officer to help save the world. The big revelation that only half of the meteor actually hit made for a nice bit of suspense as Imogene struggled to make contact, and Jason Alexander’s Dr. Chetwyn bumbled about trying to foresee what was happening for himself. And then we have the presentation’s most entertaining thread, which would be rogue cop Stark, portrayed by Michael Rooker, insanely intent on wreaking havoc for Billy Campbell’s Jack by trying to murder his father and his daughter. He’s a great Terminator-scale villain, who just keeps coming back every time you think he’s dead. His own excitement at his trick of wearing a vest was worth the price of admission. Jack’s own pursuit of justice, stopping along the way while his daughter was in mortal danger to help some random woman being threatened by two menacing men, was an interesting show of his character. When the end of the world looms near, how will people act? “Meteor” answers that question by assuming everyone will panic and become terrible human beings, with the exception of its core cast members. This is a hardly a worthwhile and legitimate pondering on the subject, but it’s an entirely entertaining piece of garbage that actually serves suspense at times over its two parts. Most of the suspense isn’t related to the meteor, sure, but I never thought that inanimate objects, however large and looming, made for great villains.

Part 2 Grade: F
Entertainment Value: B+

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