Thursday, July 2, 2009

What I’m Watching: Better Off Ted

Better Off Ted: Season 1, Episode 9 “Bioshuffle” (B+)

The setup of this episode was far superior to last week’s, forcibly reorganizing its characters due to a biochemical spill. It’s always really fun to see the chemistry between Ted and Linda, and having the two of them share an office and each do zero work was fun. Their conversation towards the end of the episode was a highlight, and the note Linda taped in Ted’s staring place was very amusing. Ted turning to Veronica for help was especially surprising, since the two rarely interact in such a manner. The most entertaining plotline, however, involved the two geeks in the lab. Lem’s newly developed crush on guest star Lucy (played by Joy Osmanski from “The Loop”) was very fun, and their almost-romance was the highlight of the episode. The preposterously dangerous Veridian Dynamics products continue to be outlandish and wonderfully fitting for the episodes’ plotlines. I think I’m beginning to enjoy this summer run.

Next week’s episode is a repeat of “Win Some, Dose Some,” and the next original episode airs July 14th.

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