Monday, July 13, 2009

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 3, Episode 5 “Signals and Codes” (B)

It’s inevitable this day would come, when the real Michael Weston met the fictionalized Michael Westen. The actor Michael Weston’s most memorable role is probably as David’s menacing kidnapper on “Six Feet Under,” and has established himself as one of Zach Braff’s key buddies, appearing on “Scrubs” as a kind-hearted soldier and in small roles in “Garden State” and “The Last Kiss.” He’s a skilled actor, and therefore the role of a crazed mathematician might have on paper well suited him, but in application, it’s not as terrific. He’s not bad, but the part could have been a lot better. Michael (the character) usually deals with idiots, but not with completely crazy people. His staring with Fiona above the car was hilarious to be sure, but that was the best thing about the guest character. His belief in aliens, while funny, was detrimental to Michael’s drive to take down the bad guy. Bruce Campbell’s team-building workshop was pretty terrific, and it would have been fun to see him interact with more than just the guy who complained about ice cream and the villainess. What interests me most is Michael’s pursuit of his old job, and how he has some unexpected success, relatively speaking, this episode. I enjoyed Michael’s back-and-forth with Diego Garza (whose name kept reminding me of the character from “The Shield”), and especially his auction screen name, “Michaellovesdiego.” Otherwise, my interest lies in the eventual romance of Michael and Fiona, which will inevitably blossom from early-bird dinners to late nights of actual bonding.

1 comment:

  1. I've finally caught up, but I'm still not going to be able to watch the new episodes on Thursday nights due to my fencing class, which happens at the same time. I'll have to catch them on Hulu.

    Season 2 Thoughts: Much, much better than season 1. The cliffhanger at the end was so well done. And season three has been solid. This will never be "great" television, but it's so much fun, who cares?

    Season 2 Grade: B+
    Season 3 (so far) Grade: B+
