Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 2, Episode 5 “Never Let Me Go” (B+)

Everyone’s in different places, both location-wise and in their lives, but this show’s still being held together well. The fact that both Sam and Sookie are discovering people with the same supernatural abilities as them is really cool. Sam’s newfound sexual relationship with Daphne spices up things back at the bar while Sookie and Jason are away, though of course the return of Lafayette is nice, and it’s deeply spooky to see him so deathly serious. Maryann’s manipulation of Tara is sure to turn out badly, but I’m happy with anything as long as it keeps the terrific Michelle Forbes around. I’m hopeful that she’ll soon interact more with both Sookie and Sam since I’m entirely curious about her character. Jason’s conversion into a deeply religious vampire hunter was definitely subtle and pretty fascinating. His newfound humanity is quite intriguing, helping his mortal enemy and attempting to refuse the advances of a married woman. Sookie was very funny in her efforts to bond with the bellhop, and his different perception on life was extremely interesting. I’m very much in favor of the flashbacks to older times, and seeing Eric meet his maker was one of the most powerful moments of the season. These other vampires seem like they’ll be causing some trouble for Sookie and Bill – I doubt Sookie will get bitten, but I’m a tad nervous for our two heroes.

1 comment:

  1. Another strong episode from True Blood. I'm lovin Michelle Forbes in this role but I'm still not sure I understand what she does exactly (mood control?). Excited for what's coming.
