Thursday, July 23, 2009

What I’m Watching: Warehouse 13

Warehouse 13: Season 1, Episode 3 “Magnetism” (C)

It’s hard to chart a show like this because individual episodes can be good or bad depending upon the mysterious object of the week. The hunt for the object in this episode, with constantly changing suspects, was sort of fun, but it’s the setting that really hindered this one. It felt like installments of “The X-Files” where Mulder and Scully were stuck in a town where all the people banded together in a communal manner like the episode “Our Town.” Obviously, Myka and Pete will be the odd people out every time as they travel from place to place seeking out these objects, but the big town scenes have occurred a few too many times already, and it would be nice if they didn’t encounter such a large, broad group each time. The show’s also having tremendous trouble finding a static tone. Myka and Pete’s practical joke on Artie is a nice, odd bit of teamwork, but nothing in the forty or so minutes leading up to it indicated that they would have bonded like that. The sexual desires of the affected guy who kept trying to grab Myka’s breasts were amusing but not terribly consistent. Myka’s inner wishes, however, were quite entertaining, hitting Pete in the face every few seconds. Maybe episode four will find a more even pacing.

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