Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What I’m Watching: Weeds

Weeds: Season 5, Episode 6 “A Modest Proposal” (B-)

This episode is a bit wacky. Esteban’s unromantic proposal to Nancy is good for a laugh, as well as everyone except Andy and Guillermo knowing before Nancy telling him, but that’s about it. This show is taking a big leap out of the realm of believability (and it crossed that line a long time ago) by making everything so casual. The end reveal that Esteban already has a woman in his life, presumably one he’s unsuccessfully trying to divorce, is a big shocker, but at the same time, enough already! It’s too much to ask. Everyone’s plotlines sort of deteriorated in this episode. Celia’s going nowhere, quite literally, and Doug and Silas’ scheme is becoming less and less interesting by the minute. Andy’s beard is preposterously fake, and his splurging on video games is pretty lame. The one shining bright spot is Shane’s newfound friendship with Ignacio, which turns out to be a bit more violent than he planned. The look on his face when he saw Ignacio start beating the guy with his club was priceless. Shane continues to be one of the best parts of this show. Mary-Louise Parker, I’ll concede, is great at unending sarcasm and pulling a straight face when talking over the phone to Andy who’s right behind her. The show is becoming increasingly dry, and then it pulls a stunt like introduce Esteban’s other lover. Esteban’s a pretty powerful guy, and while Nancy managed to almost slip through his fingers, I doubt he’d let two women have the upper hand in the relationship.

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