Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What I’m Watching: Weeds

Weeds: Season 5, Episode 7 “Where the Sidewalk Ends” (B)

This season of “Weeds” definitely goes down in my book as wildly unfocused and entirely scatter-brained. This episode isn’t all bad, but it’s puzzling both in its plot directions and its execution. Andy’s beard still being present is one of the more puzzling, anger-inducing elements, though his purchase of the antique car with doors welded shut is amusing and completely in character. His presence on the show at all is somewhat extraneous, and only after this episode should he once again become relevant. Nancy’s reckless decision to have the baby born at the hospital just shows how she’s continually only looking out for herself, completely shunning her children and seemingly searching only for an escape route to preserve her life. Celia’s a good character to have in the spotlight, but just like Andy, she doesn’t belong. The fact that Isabelle may now have a romantic plotline of her own is great, since she’s one of the best characters left on the show. Silas and Doug’s feuding was tedious for a while, but their eventual arrest scene was well worth it. I’m curious where that will go next. By the way, did anyone notice how the entire episode, with the exception of one brief, unsatisfying scene, didn’t really relate at all to the surprise ending from last week? Yeah, it’s a bit troubling.

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