Tuesday, August 11, 2009

AFT Awards: Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series

This is the second category of the 3rd Annual AFT Television Awards, my personal choices for the best in television this past season. This year, semi-finalists are included to recognize more of the impressive work being done on television today. Nominees are pictured in the order I’ve ranked them.
Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series

Last year’s nominees: Minnie Driver, Annabeth Gish, Laurel Holloman, Mary McDonnell, Kyra Sedgwick

Emmy nominees
: Glenn Close, Sally Field, Mariska Hargitay, Holly Hunter, Elisabeth Moss, Kyra Sedgwick

Semi-finalists: None – I guess I don’t watch very many shows with female leads. I suppose Glenn Close (Damages) would fall under this category.

Finalists: Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men) rose through the ranks at her office as she quietly dealt with an unexpected life event. Erica Durance (Smallville) turned the formerly obnoxious Lois Lane into a legitimately interesting character as sparks began to fly between her and Clark, and she donned her own costume to try to be a hero. Molly Parker (Swingtown) conveyed subtle excitement at exploring a world completely unlike her own in the short-lived 70s show. Evangeline Lilly (Lost) balanced feeling out of place in more than one sense as she made her unexpected return to the island. Laurel Holloman (The L Word) ran damage control for the last time as Jenny wreaked havoc and Tina embarked on a new chapter of her life with Bette.

The nominees:

Anna Paquin (True Blood) read minds and met vampires, all the while remaining sunny and excited. January Jones (Mad Men) didn’t allow herself to be manipulated anymore by her husband or his mistress’ jealous flame, and it was enthralling and satisfying to watch. Mary McDonnell (Battlestar Galactica) used the last of her energy to save the human race and proclaim her love for a certain fleet commander. Kyra Sedgwick (The Closer) got hitched, but that didn’t weaken her ability to close cases like no one else. Annabeth Gish (Brotherhood) tried her best to deny the fact that her husband would never actually be able to leave politics, and looked to her unborn child to remain strong.

Next up: Best Lead Actor in a Comedy Series


  1. Anna Paquin and Mary McDonnell barely missed my line-up so I'm great to see their names. Jones and Sedgwick were terrific in their shows as well. Moss' mention is awesome, although I see her as a supporting, not lead but I can understand your view.

    I wanted to see the Big Love ladies here as well, but I suppose you don't watch the show.

  2. In fact I don't watch Big Love. I watched the pilot when it aired when someone taped it for me a few years ago, and I liked it, but I never watched any more episodes. I suppose it's something I'll get to eventually and have to look forward to.

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  4. At least you recognize how brilliant Mary McDonnell was in "Batlestar Galactica". Hopefully Katee Sackhoff will also make your Supporting Actress nominees.
