Friday, August 14, 2009

What I’m Watching: Better Off Ted

Better Off Ted: Season 1, Episode 12 “Jabberwocky” (A-)

This is really an example of what every episode of this show should be like. It’s a strong, fervently funny installment which stresses one thing above all: a good premise. The idea of managers and bosses not knowing what their underlings know and the lengths they’ll go to cover it up is quite amusing, and probably not so far from the truth. Ted’s ending presentation of the Jabberwocky project and the understandable confusion of the scientists after the product is sent to be developed are extremely entertaining. Lem and Phil have never made a better pair, decrying that no one would want to be them when Ted shoots down their idea. The running joke about the flaming plate kept getting funnier, and Lem’s continuing insistence that it could be used in any situation was simply terrific. The overarching notion that Ted was giving Linda the opportunity to do her project because he likes her was another excellent part of the episode, providing it with an unexpected dramatic backbone. This is a fine show of talent on everyone’s part, and I’m hoping that season two, whenever it airs, can bring us more episodes like this.

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