Monday, August 3, 2009

What I’m Watching: Dirty Sexy Money

Dirty Sexy Money: Season 2, Episode 12 “The Unexpected Arrival” (C+)

I used to think Peter Krause was a great actor. At first, I wasn’t impressed, but once I got into the second season of “Six Feet Under,” I realized that this guy was truly talented. Once he got cast on this show, I got excited, but a few episodes in, I realized that it may just have been the role. The guy isn’t completely useless, but he just lacks any sort of dramatic poignancy. I understand that the character of Nick George is far less complex than that of Nate Fisher, but I still think that Krause is downplaying the character because the show’s not anywhere near the same caliber as the incredible “Six Feet Under.” It’s especially unfortunate because actresses like Natalie Zea and Lucy Liu do seem to be putting in an extraordinary, commendable amount of effort, and I think it’s paying off well. Blair Underwood, who’s only truly impressed me with his one-season arc on “In Treatment” last year, falls into the same category as Krause here, hamming it up and not really trying because “Dirty Sexy Money” isn’t, and never will be, fantastic television. The show is ridiculous, that’s for sure, but Nick’s declarations of love and commitment to Karen are just so unconvincing, and it brings the show down a lot.

Getting back to the series’ penultimate episode, all of the supporting characters each have shockingly dramatic plotlines playing themselves out in a very big way so close to the end of the season/show. The once-featured Darling parents are nearly absent, used only as sounding boards for Nick and Karen, respectively. Patrick’s plotline is certainly the most entertaining, being seduced by both husband (John Schneider) and wife (Krista Allen). I was quite saddened when I saw the camera, because Patrick’s had enough bad stuff happen to them that he deserves some genuine happiness (and meaningless sex). I wonder if it is in fact the wife who’s videotaping him, or if he’s fallen into some more elaborate trap. I guess maybe the husband is seeking revenge against Tripp? This is where it gets all confusing, and everything becomes too dramatic to be truly funny anymore. Brian’s still a fantastically amusing character, but the fact that his new wife would so quickly throw him out of the house after all that they went through to save her life and after she knew what he’s like is pretty unbelievable. It’s great to see Brian interact with Nick, but again I’ll point to the unenthusiastic nature of Krause’s acting as a detracting factor in this case. The central storyline, featuring a hapless Jeremy, angry Lola, and an evil Simon, is pretty ridiculous, and it’s gone pretty far with Jeremy knocking Simon out and then Lola stabbing him. Simon wanted to fake his own death, but like this? I do wonder how it will play out, but I imagine it will be either an elaborate, over-the-top cover-up or a deathly frustrating cliffhanger the cancelled show will never be able to resolve. Karen’s pregnancy will probably go that route also, though I’d love to see her and Nick finally get together because Simon is terribly obnoxious.

Next week’s the final episode ever – can it possibly resolve anything?


  1. This show just looks awful. Good riddance to it.

  2. ..or can it resolve EVERYTHING???

    What do you think, a fresh Stab wound makes Simon admit he killed Dutch?

    Thatd be a letdown

    But all in all i agree its gotten pretty redic. I just want to know who killed dutch and be done with it.
